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Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat 2024: Is There A Better Exercise?


It’s time for the ultimate showdown: Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat. Who will emerge victorious? Is there even a better version? It’s time to figure out! Squats are foundational exercises in strength training, crucial for building muscle, improving strength, and enhancing overall fitness levels. Among the various squat variations available, the Zercher squat and the front squat stand out due to their unique benefits and specific muscle targeting. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the differences between the two popular squat variations to help you decide the victor for the Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat showdown!

What is a Zercher Squat?

Zercher Squats: The Ultimate Lower Body Exercise!

The Zercher squat is named after Ed Zercher, who popularized this squat variation. It involves holding the barbell in the crook of your elbows, unlike traditional squats where the barbell rests on the shoulders. Here’s how to perform a Zercher squat:

  • Execution Steps:
    1. Start by positioning the barbell in the crook of your elbows, holding it close to your body.
    2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
    3. Lower yourself into a squat position, while keeping your back straight and core engaged.
    4. Push through your heels to return to the standing position.
  • Muscles Targeted: The Zercher squat primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, core, and upper back muscles. The unique barbell placement in the elbows also engages the biceps and forearms, enhancing overall upper body strength and stability.

What is a Front Squat?

How To Do Front Squats Without Hurting Your Wrists

The front squat, on the other hand, involves placing the barbell on the front shoulders, supported by the hands, rather than the back shoulders. It is widely used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts for its emphasis on quad development and core stability. Here’s how to perform a front squat:

  • Execution Steps:
    1. Start with the barbell resting on your front shoulders, supported by your hands with an overhand grip.
    2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, while making sure you are properly “rooted” to the ground.
    3. Lower yourself into a squat position by bending your knees and hips, keeping your back straight and core tight.
    4. Push through your heels to return to the starting position, while keeping your core engaged and back as straight as possible.
  • Muscles Targeted: The front squat primarily targets the quadriceps, glutes, core, and upper back muscles. The front-loaded position also enhances core stability and promotes better posture.

Key Differences Between Zercher Squat and Front Squat

In the battle between Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat, understanding the key differences between the Zercher Squat and Front Squat can help you decide which one fits your fitness goals and preferences:

  • Bar Placement: The Zercher Squat places the barbell in the crook of your elbows, while the front squat positions it on the front shoulders.
  • Muscle Emphasis: Zercher Squats emphasize core and upper back strength due to the barbell position, while front squats target the quadriceps more directly.
  • Comfort and Safety: Zercher Squats can be uncomfortable initially due to the barbell position, but they typically reduce strain on the lower back. Front Squats require more wrist and shoulder flexibility, which can be challenging for some lifters.
  • Functional Application: Zercher Squats are beneficial for enhancing functional strength and stability, mimicking real-life lifting scenarios. Meanwhile, Front Squats are favored for their ability to improve squat depth and athletic performance.

Benefits of Zercher Squat

Zercher Squat: Benefits and Tutorial

The Zercher Squat offers several unique benefits that make it a valuable addition to your strength training routine:

  • Enhanced Core Strength: Holding the barbell in the elbows forces the core muscles to engage more actively throughout the movement, which forces the Zercher Squat to become a whole-body movement.
  • Improved Upper Back Stability: The Zercher position strengthens the upper back muscles, which promotes better posture while reducing the risk of shoulder injuries.
  • Functional Strength Development: Mimics lifting and carrying objects in real-world situations, enhancing overall functional strength and stability.

Benefits of Front Squat

A Quick-Start Guide to Front Squats | TrainHeroic

The Front Squat is renowned for its specific benefits that cater to both general fitness enthusiasts and athletes:

  • Quadriceps Emphasis: Positions the barbell in front promotes deeper quad activation, which aids in muscle growth and strength development.
  • Core Stability: Requires significant core engagement to maintain an upright posture throughout the movement, improving overall core stability and balance.
  • Athletic Performance: It enhances explosiveness and power, making it crucial for sports performance and functional fitness for athletes in numerous different sports.

Which One is Better for You?

The debate of Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat ultimately depends on your fitness goals, preferences, and physical capabilities:

  • Strength vs. Hypertrophy: If your goal is to build overall strength and functional stability, the Zercher Squat may be more suitable. For quad development and athletic performance enhancement, the front squat is a better choice.
  • Athletes vs. General Fitness Enthusiasts: Athletes looking to improve sports performance and explosiveness may benefit more from front squats, while general fitness enthusiasts seeking a versatile lower-body exercise with emphasis on core strength may prefer Zercher Squats.
  • Injury Prevention and Comfort: Zercher Squats reduce lower back strain but may be uncomfortable initially. Front squats require adequate flexibility but offer better wrist and shoulder comfort during the exercise.

How to Incorporate Both into Your Training Regimen

Zercher Squat Exercise Guide • Bodybuilding Wizard

Integrating both Zercher Squats and Front Squats into your workout routine can provide comprehensive lower-body strength development. Here’s a sample training plan:

  • 1: Front Squat- 4 sets of 8-10 reps
  • 2: Zercher Squat- 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • 3: Rest or light cardio
  • 4: Front Squat- 4 sets of 6-8 reps
  • 5: Zercher Squat- 3 sets of 8-10 reps

Tips for Beginners:

Zercher squat exercise instructions and video | Weight Training Guide ...

  • Start with lighter weights to master the form and technique for each squat variation.
  • Gradually increase the weight as you gain confidence and strength, so you can overload the movement with proper form.
  • Focus on maintaining proper form to avoid injuries and maximize muscle engagement.

Progression Strategies for Advanced Lifters:

  • Incorporate advanced squat variations like pause squats, tempo squats, or single-leg squats to challenge your muscles in different ways, while also improving upon your Zercher and Front Squat numbers.
  • Increase the weight gradually to continue stimulating muscle growth and strength gains, while also overloading the movement with proper form.
  • Rotate between Zercher squats, front squats, and other squat variations to prevent plateaus and maintain workout diversity.


The victor in the Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat debate ultimately depends on your fitness goals, physical capabilities, and preferences. Both exercises offer unique benefits that can enhance your strength, stability, and overall fitness levels. Experiment with both squat variations to determine which one best suits your individual needs and goals. Remember to prioritize proper form, progressive overload, and consistency in your training regimen for optimal results. Whether you’re aiming to build strength, improve athletic performance, or enhance functional fitness, incorporating Zercher Squats and Front Squats can help you achieve your fitness aspirations effectively. In this battle for Zercher Squat vs. Front Squat, the winner is, at the moment, undecided.

If you would like some more articles on the benefits of more squat variations, check out our article on Dumbbell Goblet Squats, an underrated yet accessible exercise to fit your fitness goals! Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for the latest fitness tips and tricks. Happy lifting!